Available courses

Class Registration

Pre-registration is an opportunity for you to plan your class schedule for the upcoming semesters. You will pre-register for the fall, spring and summer.

  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
UIC Student Orientation (Self-Paced)

This course is designed to help you become familiar with our learning management system, Moodle, that is used for online and hybrid courses.  This is a self-paced course, and you can move through it in your own time. Completing the course should take you 1-2 hours.

  • Enrolled students: 80
Student Services

Dear student, under this category you will be able to schedule appointments, attend meetings and webinars and other information regarding Academic Services, Placement, and counseling services. 

ESL Admissions

Dear future student, 

Welcome to ULI's Admissions department. The Admissions process to ULI is simple and fast. We will guide you through the process in order to make sure your student file is completed and your admission to ULI is accepted.

Welcome to United Language Institute

Graduate Admissions

Dear future student, 

Welcome to UIC's Graduate Admissions department. The Admissions process to UIC is simple and fast. We will guide you trough the process in order to make sure your student file is completed and your admission to UIC is accepted.

Welcome to United International College

  • Teacher: UIC Admissions
  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
Undergradute Admissions

Dear future student, 

Welcome to UIC's Undergraduate Admissions department. The Admissions process to UIC is simple and fast. We will guide you through the process in order to make sure your student file is completed and your admission to UIC is accepted.

Welcome to United International College

  • Teacher: UIC Admissions
  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
Principles of Marketing - M & W (6:00 p.m. - 8:50 p.m.)

The student will be able to understand the fundamentals of Marketing, identify basic Marketing strategies, and use Marketing concepts and tools to meet and satisfy would-be customer needs. (Core - 3 credits)

Personality Enneagram  T & Th (6:00 p.m. - 8:50 p.m.)

The Enneagram is an ancient Sufi teaching that describes nine different personality types and their interrelationships. The teaching help us to recognize our own type and how to cope with our issues; understand our work associates, spouses, family, and friends; and to appreciate the predisposition that each type has for a higher human capacities such as empathy, omniscience, and love. (Elective- 3 credits)

Meeting days and times:  TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 6:00 p.m. to 8:50 p.m

[This is a hybrid class. Some classes will be on campus and some online via BigBlueButton]

Room: TBA

Public Relations - Asynchronous

Students are introduced to exciting and innovative public relations campaign examples in the context of
relevant theory and core concepts that they will need to succeed in the world of public relations. The
course offer a practical approach to the study of public relations and emphasize competition and conflict
management, while providing a concise, comprehensive overview of the Public Relations.

Western Civilization - Asynchronous

A historical examination of Western culture from its beginnings in the Near East to the launch of the modern period in the 17th century. This course examines history as a cultural force including the concepts of the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, cultural, and military aspects of history. (General Education - 3 credits)

Meeting days and times: Asynchronous course - No meetings are required
[Fully taught online]